Shona’s and Cal’s wedding at Bachilton Barn was originally meant to be a slightly different affair. The restrictions on guest numbers and social distancing rules which followed the first wave of the pandemic meant however that they had to rethink their plans.
A Beautiful Wedding At Bachilton Barn
The Covid restrictions at the time meant that Shona and Cal focused on the things that really mattered to them. Most importantly they had to cut down the guest numbers to those people who are most important in their lives, immediate family and really close friends.
Another aspect that was really important to them was to have a religious wedding. Shona and Cal wanted to get married by their local minister from the church where they usually pray and worship. The minister was a lovely man, originally from the Outer Hebrides, and the service was very personal and meaningful to the couple, filled with psalms and songs and readings.
To read Shona’s and Cal’s thoughts about their images, please have a look at my Testimonials page. If you are in the process of planning to have a small and intimate wedding like Shona and Cal, and you would like to discuss your plans with me, then please drop me a note here. I really look forward to hearing from you!