A Glasgow Pre-Wedding Shoot

Sara and Niamh are from Canada, and both are in their final year of medical training in Ireland. Although they had booked me a while ago for their wedding in Ireland this year, we never had a chance to have a chat. So naturally I was keen to meet up when they told me they would come to Glasgow for the weekend. I always enjoy planning a pre-wedding shoot, as it gives both the couple and me a chance to get to know each other a bit better. But it also means that the couple is more used to the camera before the wedding.

Pre-Wedding Shoot in Glasgow

Neither Niamh nor Sara had been to Glasgow before. So I suggested to give them a small tour of the city and take a few pictures in the process. We met on Buchanan Street from where we took a walk through the Merchant City, to Royal Exchange Square with its fairy lights, and the Museum of Modern Art.

Because it was getting dark so early, we agreed to meet again the following day in the West End. After a nice brunch at Eusebi’s I took them to Glasgow University with its beautiful cloisters and gothic architecture. Niamh commented on how the buildings reminded her of a Harry Potter film! After the university we couldn’t really miss the beautiful Kelvingrove Art Gallery. I think both Niamh’s and Sara’s favourite there was the Floating Heads installation by Sophie Cave. This doesn’t really surprise me, as the floating heads still make me smile every time I visit the museum!

engaged girls holding hands

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